Oh, hey there! This is my page where I just be talking. And it's burden, burden that I placed on myself for keeping me... busy yeah, smth like that.

Thank's to j3s, he inspired me for this. Now it is just a static site, but I'm working to make it dynamic. And I have strange idea to make a service, that will create posts here from mails in IMAP box. Yeah, I'll send email, and it makes me post. So, I encourage you to read this article by j3s: my-website-is-one-binary

Recently discovered a quite peculiar personal blog that I eager to share with you! Especially I loved one of his older articles: Returning to the Original Social Network. As email enthusiast myself I share his point of view.

About myself - I'm network engineer and linux administrator. Just love doing my job.

You can write me

I love privacy, so you can encrypt email to me with OpenPGP. That would be lovely! Link to the key

Fingerprint of the key:
7BFB 2A63 E6BC BB98 05D6 5D24 FCDD 85D8 13C7 8932

I also have a Matrix account:

Are you eager to ask how I chose colors for this page? Answer is quite short - I fell in love with a calm and chilling pallette of Nord Theme. I actually installed this color theme in terminals and IDE that I use!

       -%%%%@@@%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@%@%%%%%%%+=**#*+:    ..::.     

This is Claudia, by the way. And she shure is Lovely!

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